After many weeks of convincing Hunter to hangout with me, he finally caved on St. Patrick's Day. Immediately, we knew we did not want to go another day without seeing or talking to each other. We were inseparable.
March 28, 2023
The next two weeks we spent countless hours chatting about our lives and planning a date, figuring out how we would fit each other into our very busy schedules. Our "perfect date" did not happen like we had planned, but Sonic after one of Hunter's baseball games was perfect, because all we wanted was to spend time together. I can still remember this night like it was yesterday. We laughed the whole way, I barely ate anything because I was so nervous, but a butterfly type of love nervous. When he dropped me off, we called one another and kept talking. It is cliche, but we just enjoyed getting to know each other.
April 11, 2023
Of course I went to the majority of his baseball games, but would usually try to sneak out right before it was over. We were not "public" yet, so we were low key about everything. It was more fun this way! We just got to focus on each other and not care about what anyone else thought.
April 22, 2023
We had both told our parents about each other, but the official meeting was at The Burger Cook-Off in downtown Spartanburg! We had the best time. We made core memories and spent the night laughing at our parents conversations (Sorry Jenn, Gordon, and Jaime).
It was also this night that Christie looked at my mom and said, "they are going to get married one day!" She has known me all of my. life and known Hunter a long time also.
May 16, 2023
Abbey's first trip to Lake Greenwood. Before getting on the jetski the only request was not to be thrown off, but to Hunter, that meant "how quick can I throw her off?" It was approximately 43 seconds after this photo. 😂
May 31, 2023
We spent the whole summer making memories and spending time with each other. This was our first sporting event together at the Greenville Drive Game!
June 24, 2023
Hunter made a grand appearance as my plus one to a wedding! Unintentionally, him and my dad were seeing who could dance the longest.. 😂 They were the life of the party, and I knew he would never be boring!
July 14, 2023
Our first trip to Edisto, since then we have been back 4 times. This place is Abbey's little slice of Heaven, and it is more perfect with each other. We enjoy slowing down and relaxing together at the beach!
July 22, 2023
We went to Florida to visit Hunter's mom, Mandy! We had a great time at the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert and exploring Tampa.
September 23, 2023
Abbey's first Clemson game. Hunter had no luck converting me. I am still a die hard Gamecock!
November 10, 2023
This is just a core memory captured, we have so much fun everywhere we go.
November 23, 2023
Our first Thanksgiving spent at Edisto.
November 25, 2023
Our first Carolina-Clemson game! House divided, we are currently 1-1 and have been to both games!
December 21, 2023
Our first Christmas! We spent the holidays traveling to spend time with each other families and enjoying the season.
March 16, 2024
Hunters baseball team played at the Greenville Drive stadium!
March 31, 2024
We found our home church and spent every Sunday worshipping the one who answered our lifelong prayers of finding each other!
May 18, 2024
Abbey's college graduation ceremony! After deciding to graduate early, Hunter was there for every step. He heard all the tears, spent hours helping me study, pretending to be my class so I could practice my lessons, and helped me prepare some lessons! I finished in December 2023, and immediately started working. Was it crazy.. YES! But with support, it was worth it.
July 16, 2024
We spent our second summer together traveling, making memories. We went to the beach, lake and had many ice cream dates.
September 14, 2024
The day Hunter asked me to marry him. Truly the sweetest day ever. I was completely surprised and he planned out every detail perfect!
November 17, 2024
The day of our baptisms! We got to share our testimonies in front of our friends and families along with our church!
November 17, 2024
Caleb, the one who baptized us, is also marrying us!
December 06, 2024
The day we got our sweet girl, Junie! She is so perfect for us!